"Would You Like Fries With Your $*&@#^ Sandwich Generation?"

Running a multi-generational house with kids, parents, and parents' parents.
Ahhh, what an opportunity to share wisdom across the generations.
I spend my days hunting for missing dentures, passing out meds, running people
to doctors appointments, and talking the youngest out of smothering the oldest with a pillow.
This better turn into a best-selling novel.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Caring for the Caregiver

Me, that is. I'm 52, and people I know are starting to die. Okay, not many, but enough that I decided to put on my Big Girl Pants and start doing all those nasty tests that women over 50 are supposed to get: mammogram, bone density scan, colonoscopy, pap test, dermatology exam of a dark spot on my shoulder.

So I got a bad report on my pap test, did some nasty follow up tests, and it turned out I don't have cancer. That felt great!

The dermatologist was pretty sure I had a basal cell cancer, but the test came back negative. Also great!

I got a clear mammogram, although I don't get overly excited about these, as my mother found lumps in her breasts very soon after clear mammograms... twice.

My colon is a thing of beauty. (the test is no big deal, but drinking the stuff the night before was quite unpleasant. I drank less than half what you're supposed to, and it turned out not to matter.

Bone density came back normal.

So I'm pretty sure I'm destined to be hit by a bus.