"Would You Like Fries With Your $*&@#^ Sandwich Generation?"

Running a multi-generational house with kids, parents, and parents' parents.
Ahhh, what an opportunity to share wisdom across the generations.
I spend my days hunting for missing dentures, passing out meds, running people
to doctors appointments, and talking the youngest out of smothering the oldest with a pillow.
This better turn into a best-selling novel.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Back to the Real World

I'm back from my yearly week-long vacation from reality, during which I drive to Iowa City and take classes at the Iowa Summer Writing Festival. Kim and Kathy helped with Betty and my mom, my kids and husband stepped up to the plate and kept everybody fed and watered, and I got to focus on writing for 8 days.

The only problem is that I'd like to be gone for two weeks... Someday...